Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Things I Learned at Breastfeeding Class

1. Colostrum is, in fact, supposed to be nuclear freaking yellow.

2. Breast milk tastes like sugar and is apparently good in coffee.

3. Galactagogue* would be the coolest name ever for a dog.

* a food that increases lactation, like oats. Or Guinness. Mostly Guinness.


Oma said...

I don't remember the colostrum being yellow and yes, the milk is very sweet and watery until the end of the feeding and then there is more fat content. That's why it's good to have them finish one one side and then move to the other. You'll be able to feel it when the time comes.

Leah said...

She said that it varies from woman to woman and it can be anything from completely clear to white-ish to yellow. (TMI ahead) I've been having a bit of weird dandelion-yellow leaking lately, which is why I asked if that was a normal color.

TeamOSM said...

Also be forewarned that it is hard and takes practice. But normal people (ones who haven't had breast surgery) do really well with it and it's gratifying!!

And it makes you really really really sleepy when you breastfeed your baby. So sleepy you might fall asleep while nursing. Heh.

Oma said...

I think the sleepy is just part of early motherhood. It was relaxing though and I looked forward to coming home from work to hold and feed my baby and relax before the "second job" kicked in and things needed to be done. Noah enjoyed it too!

Kim Owen said...

So, so, so glad to hear you are planning on Breast Feeding. It's such a natural thing. I'm so surprised that so many people don't do it anymore - sad really. I mean who wants to mess with bottles at 3 AM, it so nice to just get you little bundle and sit down and feed 'em. Yep, call me lazy but I never could have dealt with the whole bottle thing - gah! what a royal pain. And I never had "a lick" o' trouble, but if you have any just contact the Dr. or find your local Le Leche League between them they should be able to answer or help you with any situation that arises.
By any chance are you doing Lamaze? It's the other thing I would HIGHLY recommend :) It's not too late....