Saturday, June 2, 2012

It's my blog and I'll mope if I want to?

Sometimes it just sucks being so far away from family. Jim is at SUCH an awesome stage right now, and I hate that none of his people are here to share it. He'll stomp back and forth in the kitchen, yelling uproariously because he has a kick-ass piece of paper or some shit. In the middle of that, he spots something awesome on the ground (a particularly cool cat hair, say), immediately drops what he's doing to squat down and check it out. Then he stands up and lets out a triumphant "DOH!" while holding it up to make sure we all admire this great thing in his possession. I can't describe it adequately, but it's kind of hilarious. He is so fucking smart and so fucking funny, and it just kills me that no one else is going to remember him like this.


Oma said...

I'm coming down next week. They are amazing little creatures aren't they?Oma shall ooh and ahh and think he's wonderful too!

Emmy said...

You should make videos. Just record him randomly. I know I, for one, would just love to see Jim tottering around being ridiculously cute. Doesn't have to be anything special. :)

Rhianna H said...

I agree with Emmy, even though my gut reaction was to install cameras all over the house and do a live stream so we can watch Jim. That route would require Noah to wear pants, though, which I know he is reluctant to do.

Sad Mom/Ma said...

You make Mommy sad, Weah.