
Friday, December 31, 2010


Pictures to follow.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Alive and well!

So, I disappeared from the internet. First my internet in Minneapolis died, and then I kind of moved to Georgia. So now I'm typing from a cute little house in Hephzibah (best name I've ever heard, and if you disagree you can shush). Things that have happened in the last few weeks:

-- Finished everything school-related. Not as hard as expected, really, and it's amazing to be done. I've been in school for almost a full decade.
-- Flew to Georgia to get married. Success! Anniversary: December 10.
-- Bought a car (er, Noah did, anyway) and drove it back to Minneapolis. In a blizzard. Did a little impromptu off-roading, but it all turned out okay.
-- Got my results back on the bloodwork for Buckethead - all is well! Except they had to take the blood out of my hand instead of my arm, which kind of gave me a sad.
-- Moved to Georgia, with the help of my amazing and long-suffering mother. We (pregnant lady and woman with heart and shoulder condition) had to carry all my stuff down three flights of stairs and over two shoulder-high snow drifts to my car. It was possibly the worst experience of my life, but it got done, and I didn't have to do it alone. So thanks, Mom, and I love you!
-- Moved in! This part was much easier. Mom and I mostly sat back (er, stood back - no furniture) and watched Noah carry everything. It was very satisfying.
-- Furnished a house on the cheap. Best buy: nice (ish - it's comfy, but needs a slipcover to hide the florals) love seat for $10.

Now we're mostly just relaxing. I just put dinner in the oven to cook (I'm a sucker for meatloaf, and for parenthetical expressions) and am sitting on the couch watching Noah wreck cars on his 360. Life is good.

As far as Buckethead-related events go, there's a slight hold-up on the insurance, so I can't go to the doctor straight away, but we're going to a local ultrasound place on Friday so Noah can see and to find out the gender. Hopefully I can post some adorable and terrifying pictures of our spawn after that.

Monday, December 6, 2010

15 weeks and a visit to the midwife.

Yarrgh. Things are hectic. This is the last week of school, and I have a ton of stuff to grade (plus my own work for classes), have to write a final, give the final, grade the final, and then move to Georgia. Crazy. At least we're getting some stuff done. Noah found us an awesome house to live in, and it's an amazing relief to have that taken care of. I didn't honestly realize how much it was worrying me until it was done. Now the only thing to do really is get a car (and get married, if possible, but that might have to wait until after I get moved down for real).

I went to my last midwife visit here on Friday. It was extremely uneventful - I didn't even have to take off my underoos! It was almost disappointing. We talked about the NT scan and I got the go-ahead to go have some blood drawn whenever I feel like it (probably tomorrow), and then we listened to Buckethead's heartbeat (160), and that was it.

How far along? 15 weeks.
Total weight gain/loss: Dropped last week's pound, so up five pounds total.
Maternity clothes? I tried - I really did. I went looking for maternity clothes Saturday because the situation is getting pretty dire. Alas, all pregnant women are apparently six feet tall, because all pants were far too long. Dresses were an acceptable length, but they all made me look like I'm about to give birth at any second. I don't think I'm at peace with the baby belly yet. So I didn't buy anything and went home cranky.
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: Okay. I've settled into a nice routine of only waking up once per night to pee, so that's an improvement.
Best moment this week: Knowing that we're not going to have to live in a cardboard box in front of Fort Gordon.
Movement: Undetectable disco party?
Food cravings: Water. I feel like a camel (with the hump on the wrong side).
Gender: I don't know. I'm trying to talk Noah into going to a private ultrasound place as soon as I get to Georgia so we can see what it is.
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? In.
What I miss: Clothes that fit.
What I am looking forward to: Moving! (Or, more accurately, being moved! Moving itself is going to suck.)
Weekly Wisdom: Dressing room panic attacks don't help anything.
Milestones: Going to the doctor and not showing anyone my vagina.